Thursday, June 26, 2008


This will be my second week back home from Panama. I had a great time. I got to go to the beach which was lovely. The weather was perfect, windy, rainy, cloudy, and beachtastic~! I did NOT get brown so YAY ME WOOO~! I also go to see my cousin which was great. She is growing up too fast that crazy girl~! She has gotten so big she is already nine years old! She is so cute; I love her! I got to eat some great food and get to see some places I had not been to in awhile. It is not the same without my grandfather there but I am very glad I went. Oh yes, I also bought a new and lovely umbrella. It was lovely. My cousin's friend was a really nice girl as well which was good. But, I really missed my spouses oh so mucho and had to come home early to play, work, and get things done for uni. (Oh yeah I said it UNI read on to find out what I have gotten to with that!)

Anyway, my wife came home last Friday! I hung out with the Lemon on Thursday and we made our plans to go with KamKat to the aeroport to see her when she lands. SO TALK ABOUT AN INCREDIBLE DAY THAT WAS! Her flight was about 5 hours late. We spent our entire day except for a few tidbits of it waiting at the aeroport for her. But it was most definitely worth it. I got to see Miss Carrie which was lovely! We then went to play at her house for a little while until she was so totally dying on her feet that we had to go. Sunday was her WELCOME BACK SURPRISE FIESTA which was so great. I played wii bowling with Matt-oat, Nomes, one of kuri's relatives, and Carrie. I PWNED THEM ALL...well not at first at first I really sucked but after awhile I started to PWN THEM ALL~! We played on the ohsoscary trampoline and with the doggles and catcats. It was great fun~! MY WIFEY IS SO AMAZING and brought me home a BEAUTIFUL kimono. I am in love with it and wish I could put it on myself! If I could I would wear it all the time! She also brought me some stationary and a fan and a new bentou and chopsticks and chopsticks container and the list goes on of amazing gifts she brought that she so should not have~! She spoils me too much! But I am so glad to have her home because I missed her so mucho much! Saturday I hung out with Bobby and watched HOOK~! This movie is so fun and so great, heh!

Well, everyone, the news you have been waiting for! Be proud I have made progress in the Finally Applying and Going to a University department! I have chosen three art schools to apply to! I even started printing out the papers I will need to fill out for each school. I just need to check with them to make sure they will accept transfers from the community college I have been attending. If they do all I will need to do is finish my basic core requirements and get accepted. So, be proud! XD We all know how long I procrastinated about finally doing this. I have chosen to apply at: the Art Institute of Seattle, Miami, and Fort Lauderdale. I would love to study abroad but unfortunately that is not a financial possibility. I will just have to travel on my own when I am out of school and have my career going. But, I am pretty excited about this!

So, if you are some of the few that keep up with my art then; expect deviations ( coming your way when I finally get some free time to sit down and work. I am going to edit one of my newer pieces and get started on sketches for some shirts I would like to design. So, check back because I will definitely be wanting feedback!

Also for those wondering, my mother's surgery went very well. She did go down almost 4 sizes. Though she is hoping to keep the weight off, it was too quick a loss of weight and caused for a loss of nutrients as well. The surgeon said it was his quickest procedure ever (about 3 hours) and that he had never seen someone with such perfect anatomy before. No complications, no excessive bleeding, everything was in its proper location! So, my mom's doing much mucho better thank goodness! My stress over her health is slightly lifted. The only thing to worry about now is her constant heart burn and nausea. It has been better lately but these past few days are more difficult. Mostly because she is transitioning from baby foods and milkshakes to soft foods like noodles, rice, etc. Things that are much harder to digest and are causing her some difficulties. But with positive thinking she shall be feeling her wonderfully in no time.

Other than that I have basically just been working and spending time with Bobby. I finally learned a new task at work~! So, I will not be finishing my work too too early anymore...only slightly early now. But! I was told I will be given another responsibilty as soon as I get used to and quicker with this one! I am really glad about this! I have been asking for weeks for more responsibility so to finally get a new one makes me feel great! Nomes and Wifey will come over tomorrow when I finish working to play SSBB and eat some good chinese foods~! It is going to be great fun. Nome and I musto practise if we are to PWN THE WORLD WITH OUR MAD SSBB skills...that we do not have but WILL SOON HAVE! Hopefully see Bobby this weekend, and see Wall- E this weekend. I am very excited for this movie, no joke~! I WILL POST A REVIEW AND EVERYTHING~!

I got my hair cut so I shall update my default foto, if anyone is interested in seeing it. My birthday is next week, (June 30) I have been told I am not allowed to forget it this year. So, let us party party... not, haha. The big...not so big... 1 9 wooo~!

Anyway, see you soon~! (I do mean soon because being home means being able to blog every so often. I am sure everyone missed me ((ihope)). By everyone I mean the three people I know whom read my blog I LOVE YOU GUYS!)


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Feel Real.

Let's curl up in bed together.
The outside world no longer interests me.
Maybe we can hide like this forever,
As cowards.
Too scared to face what we know to be true.

I'm scared of what life has to offer,
Of what it hides within its shadows.
Those dark corners hold all my fears.
Shove themselves towards me with every intake of breath.

Life is hard and convoluted.
You can't always win.
But you have to try.
So why am I so scared?
I just want to hide in here.

It's cold in here.
I don't want to let anything else in.
Stay with me, would you?
Don't let the day light break.
Don't let them knock on our door.
Don't let them feed me any more poison.

I just want to lay with you.
Watch your chest rise and fall.
Feel your warmth.
Taste your flesh.

I'll be yours.
Just don't let them in.
don't let them in.
